
The Dry Dock Center is located in Tarpon Springs, FL and offers AA meetings throughout the day, 7 days a week. See the Meeting and About page for more information on meeting times, schedule and location. Other sobriety locations, phone-lines and meeting times can be found below.

Helpful Links and Numbers:

AA Tampa Intergroup
(813) 933-9123
AA Pasco Intergroup
(727) 847-0777
AA Pinellas County
24 hr. Help Line
(727) 530-0415
NA Pasco County
New Port Richey-Port Richey-Holiday-Hudson
Help Line (727) 842-2433
Tarpon Springs, St. Pete, Largo, Oldsmar, Palm Harbor, Dunedin, & surrounding areas
24 hr. Help Line: (727) 547-0444
Al-Anon / AlaTeen Pinellas County
(727) 548-5811
This line provides meeting listings and locations.
There is also an option to leave a message for general questions.
Calls are returned as soon as possible between 8am – 10pm.
Al-Anon / Alateen Pasco, Hernando, Citrus, Sumter Counties
Information line (352) 697-0497
BDA (Business Debtors Anonymous)
for more information on Debtors Anonymous