
The Dry Dock Center is located in Tarpon Springs, FL and offers AA meetings throughout the day, 7 days a week. See the Meeting and About page for more information on meeting times, schedule and location.

The Dry Dock Center Incorporated is a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization established in 1989 under the Incorporation statutes of the State of Florida. The corporation was initially founded by a group of recovering alcoholics who had come to deal with their alcoholism through the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Over the years it’s become a safe gathering place for members of Alcoholics Anonymous and other Twelve Step Organizations such as Narcotics Anonymous to attend meetings, meet other recovering individuals and just find some peace and serenity. The Dry Dock welcomes donations to help maintain the buildings and grounds to facilitate the efforts of the various addiction programs mentioned above. As a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization all donations are tax deductible

Donations on this page are NOT for Alcoholics Anonymous or any other 12 step program.
