
The Dry Dock Center is located in Tarpon Springs, FL and offers AA meetings throughout the day, 7 days a week. See the Meeting and About page for more information on meeting times, schedule and location. Information on Joining the Dry Dock Club can be found below.

Membership helps fund the Dry Dock Center and is open to anyone eighteen years or older with a desire to support the goals and purposes of the Center. For anyone in a 12-step program, sixty days of successful participation is a requirement for membership. Members may participate in The Dry Dock Center Board Meetings, as a non-voting member. Membership also grants access and usage of the Back Porch Room for personal meetings or quiet time.

Membership dues are $30 per year, or $250 for a lifetime membership.

Membership forms are located in the coffee room or you may join below.

One Year Membership

Life Time Membership